Saturday, October 29, 2005

New Recording, Titled 'Inside Your Dreams'

BLOGGER'S NOTE: I think I've solved the file storage issue. Ever notice how all providers are just quirky enough to keep the learning curve alive? But I digress...

Here's another moldy oldie. This is one from around 1993. It was right after I met the woman who would become my amazing, wonderful, beautiful wife. This was my not-so-fond farewell to the "previous girlfriend" (collective "ieeewwwww...").

Inside Your Dreams

Country Walk was pretty much straight. Guitar tack. Vocal track. On this one, I started playing around with layers, doubling, panning, multiple guitar tracks and even some digital harmony. I tried not to let it get over-porduced, but bear with me as I continue to explore.

Oh... and a minor breathrough on a "drummer." I found a drum machine program that could be fun... or really stiff, sappy and annoying! We'll see.

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Seeking Open Source Tools for a 'Virtual Band'

Who's got good ideas for drum machines, bass, strings and other "instruments" for the PC? My philosophy (and my wallet) have me leaning toward free tools. Consider it a kind of an experiment to see what a hack with a computer can do without buying a whole lot of expensive software.

Meanwhile, I'll keep searching on my own. If I find some cool solutions, I will post my discoveries... and the resulting tracks here.

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Thursday, October 27, 2005

New Recording, Titled 'Country Walk'

So, here goes. This is a song I wrote back in 1992 after hurricane Andrew nearly destroyed my brother's house in Country Walk, FL. I needed to try out this new recording software, and with Katrina, Rita and Wilma wreaking all this havoc lately, this seemed an appropriate tune to start with.

I even played with some of the processed effects on the second guitar track. Speaking of the second guitar track... boy, am I rusty! This whole venture will hopefully get me playing at least semi-regularly again. Maybe some of "it" will come back. The nice thing about Audacity is the ability to save projects, replace tracks and basically evolve works over time.

So, I hope you enjoy.

Country Walk

It's about 4 mins long and certainly not studio quality. But man, it was fun!

PS -- thanks to Garage Tunes for the kick-in-the-pants inspiration. Rock on, boys!

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Open Source Rules!

I think I've found the tools I need, but I'm no expert here. If anyone has any experience with an open source audio editor/mixer called Audacity, I'd love to hear about your experiences. I'm running it on Win XP on my Dell Inspiron laptop.

So far, I've only fired up the program to check out the features, but it looks like it will cover most of the basics. Now, how cool is it that you can hop online and find free software to let you record, overdub, mix, edit and add effects to unlimited audio tracks? Gimme a hoo-ha one time!

(Now, if I can only find something interesting to do with my newfound powers...).

Progress is progress.

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Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Building a Studio

Time is super scarce. To the middle-aged among you, I know this comes as no surprise. I've set myself a daunting challenge in starting this thing, but nothing ever gets accomplished without taking the first step. So, I am now in the process of figuring out what software tools I should be getting my hands on to start recording some of my own music.

I also have some vague intentions of doing some video editing and fun. I've been playing with home movies of the kids, but I'm not comfortable posting any of that stuff yet.

So, if you have any recommendations on software for recording, mixing and overdubbing audio then I'm all ears. From there, I can procrastinate and get interrupted to no end. Still, it's good to have a goal.

By the way. Think free. Free would be good. I like free.

Hang in there. I am.

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Thursday, October 06, 2005

Uh... Hi there.

OK. So this is an experiment and likely to go fallow. So, if you happened by and notice there have been no - and I mean none - postings in forever, sorry for wasting your time. If all goes well, then you will find random musings from me about music, life, family, photos and maybe even an original song or two. So... see you around. -B.

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