Friday, December 30, 2005

New Recording, Titled '11,000 Days'

Will wonders never cease? I actually managed to take advantage of a chunk of free time this afternoon to dust off another from the Attic. This one goes back to September 1994. My best friend and I had done some camping together, which was the beginning of a handful of trips that have given both of us, and our families, some truly awesome memories.

Anyway, Tom was turning 30. I was not terribly far behind. We had been through college together, or at least a piece of it. Basically, we shared alot of the things that good friends do. Here we were, on the brink of the Big 3-0. Neither of us married. No kids. Not even really established. Just goes to show that a lot of those feelings of wonder blended liberally with cluelessness go beyond 18! Or perhaps I should simply speak for myself.

So this song takes a brief look at that. Written for my friend. I'm proud to say he still is. Our kids play together. Now how cool is that?

11,000 Days

The title and the theme came from some not-so-accurate arithmetic. 30 years on the planet. That's right around 11,000 days. That's a lot of days. So what have you got to show? I hope you like the answer. I do. Most days. *grin*

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Thoughts of Family on New Year's Eve Eve

It's the day before the day before. I'm home with the kids, who are playing beautifully together. It's so easy to get caught focusing on the friction in life. The details that don't turn out the way you expect them to, or believe they should. The nicest thing to me about the holiday season is the atmosphere ripe with reminders and excuses to pull back, take stock and search once again for the beauty, the truth, the perspective and note it... note it well.

I've been taking a brief break from work here at home. Trying not to yell at the kids too much for being too loud and actually welcoming their brief interruptions. Trying to nurture, rather than push, pull or otherwise mold. It's so much harder than I thought, at times. At least it seems so until the times I can stop and remember the little things and not lose sight of the fact that this is not about me.

I've also been trying to catch up on my blog reading, so have been checking in on my favorites (their links are on the right). My niece wrote some beautiful words that gave me pause, which I mentioned is the thing I love most about this time of year. I missed not having her family as part of the larger, untidy family stew that are the holidays I love. I missed her. And her sisters.

Music remains a struggle. Responsibilities tug insistently. There seem a hundred priorities to choose from to fill my moments. One for me. One for you. One for you. One for us. So many for them. Still, the desire remains. There seems plenty of inspiration, from the global to the miniscule... including the puppet show currently going on on my kitchen counter! I guess this is a period for letting things simmer, like comfort foods that fill the house with warmth and smells that soothe the soul.

Eventually, they will waft their way to the Attic.

Happy New Year!

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