Saturday, October 29, 2005

Seeking Open Source Tools for a 'Virtual Band'

Who's got good ideas for drum machines, bass, strings and other "instruments" for the PC? My philosophy (and my wallet) have me leaning toward free tools. Consider it a kind of an experiment to see what a hack with a computer can do without buying a whole lot of expensive software.

Meanwhile, I'll keep searching on my own. If I find some cool solutions, I will post my discoveries... and the resulting tracks here.

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Blogger Brian Meeley said...

Yeah, I kinda patterned my desired features from there. I'm curious to see how far open source can take you, though. My second song post (which I hope you can now access!) just scratches the surface of what's possible with Audacity. If I can pull together a set of tools for instrumentation, too, then this blog could actually be useful to people who may be able to get access to a computer, but can't/don't want to spring for the commercial software route. Commercial isn't bad... I just thought this would be an interesting path.

12:17 PM  

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